Hemp: SOLCELL CBD Takes Wellness To A Truly Beautiful Place

When I first came across SOLCELL CBD in 2021, CBD hemp science really began delivering more full-spectrum variations. Options that were more diversely focused and expanded the choices for healing and general wellness. 


As one of New Jersey’s premier nutraceutical hemp farm companies, SOLCELL’s GreenOil caught my Google search attention as I noticed that aside from the known advantages of its whole-plant hemp and CBD isolates, oregano and rosemary essential oils were also infused into their unfiltered organic hemp seed oil thus introducing, not only the proven effects of antiseptic and anti-viral qualities, but also providing an additional leg up on overall wellness with its stellar 5000mgs 4x Full Spectrum Hemp Oil in a two-ounce bottle. This quality and quantity of this product made me happy. Knowing I’d have to heal from a possible surgery, I bought two bottles—and my body was clearly pleasantly surprised as it helped me get weeks ahead of my healing schedule. Pretty epic.

Those that know me as a national beauty and grooming editor and expert are aware I’m usually covered in layers of targeted, luxury facial serums and skincare. But I’ve now been applying CBD topicals as a cell-rejuvenating sealer over my daily regimen. Especially in winter. Enter GreenCELL™ Hemp Lotion with Lavender 500mgs for face and body. A vegan, cruelty-free, gluten-free and non-psychoactive product. Whether its age-related joint pain or muscle recovery, consider HV Triple Relief Pain Salve 500mg to retrieve that bounce in your step (I like it on my calves and shins after a shower as well as at bedtime).

Aside from a large list of some 35 useful products, SOLCELL CBD offers a unique selection that many companies don’t including “Shatter“ Hemp Extract 95% Pure CBDdaytime CBG gummies (A.M. Fine Cannabigerol Extract Isolate — 45 pk), Hemp Pet Tincture 500mgs and more. Need some CBD zing in your culinary wellness? SolFrito – Hemp Hot Sauce 200mgs is a gamechanger, as is their newer vegan and ayurvedic formulas.

Dan Watkins, the founder of SOLCELL CBD, has impressively blended personal healing, business operations, farming, cultivation and philanthropy (a true 360 business model) and built an enormous following that includes cancer patients, nutritional counselors, HIV support, psychiatric treatment options and drug addiction detox into a huge drop-down list of like-minded wellness enthusiasts—all while keeping SolCell predominantly focused on retail products that are <.03% THC (non-psychoactive). SOLCELLco.com

NOTE: All GreenCELL™ hemp products come from USDA registered farms with processing and manufacturing in compliance with state health and agricultural departments. Full Certificate of Analysis (COA) and FDA disclaimers are available to all customers.