Education: Do You Know All The CBD Terms?

As of right now, you can find hemp in just about any product you pick up in the grocery store. Keeping that in mind, we thought it only appropriate that you should increase your knowledge of CBD. And what better place to start than by learning the most commonly used terms related to CBD, hemp-derived products, and the CBD/hemp oil industry. So, here are our picks of the top CBD terms that you should be familiar with. 


This is the name of a type of cannabis sativa plant. Hemp has been commonly used for various purposes. Because of its versatility, everything, from the hemp fibers to the seeds, is useful in some way. The reason for hemp’s growing popularity over the past few years is because, unlike other species of the cannabis sativa plant, hemp does not contain any THC, which is responsible for its psychoactive effects. 


This is a measure of the effectiveness of CBD or other cannabinoids found in hemp or hemp-derived products that are available in the market. To find out the potency of a hemp-infused product, it is advised to see the label of the product you choose. 


A salve is an ointment that’s made from the hemp plant. It can be applied directly to one’s skin and is commonly used for the treatment of acne and other skin conditions. 


This is a delivery method whereby the hemp or CBD is administered sublingually. 


Sublingual comes from the Latin term meaning “under the tongue.” In this method, the hemp diffuses into the blood via the soft tissue under the tongue for faster-acting relief. 


This means applying the hemp-derived product such as creams and lotions on the skin. 


This is an aromatic oil that comes in flavors such as, pine, mint, and berries, and is added to different hemp strains. More than a hundred terpenes have so far been identified since every strain has its own terpene profile. 


THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the 113 cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis sativa plant genus. THC is responsible for the mind-altering effects that have been well documented and have become the reason why CBD has got a bad rap in the past. What makes hemp different is that it either contains minute amounts or no THC. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: The purpose of this glossary is just to provide you with an easy definition of some of the terms that are used in the hemp industry. It’s important to note that you’re not going to find every term related to CBD here, or more of the lesser-known terms.

–PuraPhy Staff Report